Partly Facetious: Kate Middleton's family cannot be compared to a Gilani's...
"So do you agree with British writer Hilary Mantel that Kate Middleton is a shop window mannequin and devoid of personality?"
"That's a bit harsh, I mean Kate Middleton is quietly living her life with the man she fell in love with and is performing her duties to the best of her ability. She is not required to critique Mantel's work though I am sure she can do that too, as unlike her mother-in-law, Kate Middleton has a Bachelors degree..."
"She is living in luxury need I add."
"I would challenge you on that too, she comes from a wealthy family, maybe they are first generation rich but they do not lack money."
"Ah, first generation rich, I am very suspicious of first generation rich."
"Hey, we are not talking about first generation rich in Pakistan, but in the UK."
"I understand that..."
"In the UK you pay tax on your income irrespective of the source of your income."
"So in case it is through kickbacks and...'
"Don't be facetious. Kate Middleton's family cannot be compared to a Gilani or a Raja or indeed an Amin Fahim."
"Excuse me, this is defamation and for your information let me tell you that these guys were rich from before, true their wealth kind of escalated during the past five years but that is because the economy performed so well and..."
"You are being facetious now aren't you... The economy performed very poorly..."
"In the sectors these guys were involved in, the economy did well."
"Which sectors were those?"
"Pharmaceuticals and insurance and..."
"Hey, don't get facetious - these guys are not involved in these sectors."
"My mistake, I stand corrected."
"This is not a court of law where remarks can be expunged."
"Not expunged enough to suit the government I hear."
"There is no point talking to you, you are in a facetious mood."
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